Businesses and organizations are invited to place advertisements in our conference program, a professionally printed booklet which all conference attendees receive. Advertising in the program will help you reach a large audience of parents and health care professionals.
Full Page (8.5x11) inside back cover: $100
Full Page (8.5x11): $75
Half Page (8.5x5.5): $50
Quarter Page (4.25x5.5): $30
Please review all the policies below. If your organization meets these guidelines, please fill out this form and send it to the address on the form, along with your payment. If you are unsure whether your organization will meet the requirements, please email Felicia.
General Policy and Information
All advertisements must be compatible with La Leche League International (LLLI) principles and policies and in adherence with the World Health Organization (WHO) International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes. The advertisements should be of some value to (most) people attending the Area Conference. Ads accepted previously may become unacceptable due to changes in LLLI policies and/or philosophy. The Regional Conference Administrator (RCA) will have final approval of all advertisements.
Advertisements must be submitted electronically (jpeg format preferred) by March 17, 2017.
Acceptance of an advertisement does not constitute an endorsement by LLLI, LLL USA, LLL Alliance for Breastfeeding Education, or the Area. A disclaimer to that effect will be printed in the Program Booklet. Advertisements approved for the La Leche League International Conference or LLLI may not necessarily be approved for an Area Conference publication.
Items Not Permitted
Unacceptable advertisements include:
Privilege of Regulation and Refusal
LLL reserves the right to regulate or prohibit any advertising deemed inappropriate or unacceptable.
Click HERE to access our Advertiser Contract
Businesses and organizations are invited to place advertisements in our conference program, a professionally printed booklet which all conference attendees receive. Advertising in the program will help you reach a large audience of parents and health care professionals.
Full Page (8.5x11) inside back cover: $100
Full Page (8.5x11): $75
Half Page (8.5x5.5): $50
Quarter Page (4.25x5.5): $30
Please review all the policies below. If your organization meets these guidelines, please fill out this form and send it to the address on the form, along with your payment. If you are unsure whether your organization will meet the requirements, please email Felicia.
General Policy and Information
All advertisements must be compatible with La Leche League International (LLLI) principles and policies and in adherence with the World Health Organization (WHO) International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes. The advertisements should be of some value to (most) people attending the Area Conference. Ads accepted previously may become unacceptable due to changes in LLLI policies and/or philosophy. The Regional Conference Administrator (RCA) will have final approval of all advertisements.
Advertisements must be submitted electronically (jpeg format preferred) by March 17, 2017.
Acceptance of an advertisement does not constitute an endorsement by LLLI, LLL USA, LLL Alliance for Breastfeeding Education, or the Area. A disclaimer to that effect will be printed in the Program Booklet. Advertisements approved for the La Leche League International Conference or LLLI may not necessarily be approved for an Area Conference publication.
Items Not Permitted
Unacceptable advertisements include:
- Artificial breast milk substitutes
- Baby bottles and nipples except as used in conjunction with breastfeeding pumps and breastfeeding aid products.
- Pacifiers and nipple shields (not plastic breast shells or breast shields)
- Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages
- Any foods or beverages that are not wholesome and nutritious
- Contraceptives and/or contraceptive devices
- Any product that has been documented as harmful to a breastfed baby
Privilege of Regulation and Refusal
LLL reserves the right to regulate or prohibit any advertising deemed inappropriate or unacceptable.
Click HERE to access our Advertiser Contract